Get Excited
Often, when we set out to “WRITE” we stumble because we are removed from the writing itself. We approach it like a 10th grade homework assignment or a project mandated by a work supervisor.
Try this: when you write, focus on the ideas that excited you in the first place. You are in a relationship. Get up close for that much anticipated kiss; exchange warm breath then that soft moist contact that leads to exploration.

Bring Sexy Back
What feels good to you about writing and when? Try different positions; do it in bed, on the desk, in the bathtub and on the kitchen floor.

Steal as Lovers Do
Stolen sentences are like stolen kisses. We “steal” time with a lover on a 15-minute work break because it will be days before we can spend the weekend together. When we do, we hate to leave. Most of us have experienced this kind of passion. Use it as a model for how to fall in love with the act of writing.

In love with writing is an irresistible state of being: hot, passionate, and sweaty. You ache to explore and deepen. Some is not enough. You want it as often as you can get it between naps and eating, at work and while driving. You pulsate with the urge to produce. The “perfect time” to write is whenever the Muse is in the mood, which is often. And if you treat her as you would a besotted lover, you will be, too.
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I can always be distracted by love,
but eventually I get horny for my creativity.
Gilda Radner
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